Advanced News Feed
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Aggreagte mult feeds together.Cache feed data into database to reduce network traffic and improve performance.
The Advanced News Feed is a product to provide RSS content manage solution.
It supports RSS 0.9x ,2.0 and ATOM.
It supports content fliter by regular expression.
It supports RSS re-aggregrate.
It supports content localization.
It can import news items into database.
It supports feed categories.
Users can add their own private RSS feed to their own home page.
There are 9 modules included in the product to provide rich user UI.
RSS Re-aggregrate
It can aggregate RSS feed to a new feed.
It can aggregate RSS feed by category.
You can enable/disable Re-aggregrate.
You can set RSS properities such as channel title to the new RSS feed.
You can limit the number of items for the new aggregrated RSS feed.
Data Cache and Data store
You can enable data cache for a feed.
You can set the cache time out.
It supports to save items of news feed to database.
You can set expire period for each feed.
The expired items can be cleared automically.
Content Localization
You can set a feed to one or more languages.
You can set a feed to be shown on any languages.
Users can view feeds related with the user's language.
You can define unlimited level of categories.
You can assign a feed to one or more category.
Categories can be shown on TreeView.
Feed items can be shown by category.
Authorized users can add their private RSS feed.
The private RSS feed can be shown on the User Feed sub module. Generally in user's personal page.
Admin can decide which roles can add private RSS feed.
Admin can set the private feed to public feed.
Rich UI
It supports template. You can build custom display template.
There are six sub modules to show news items in Tab style or in a slider.
The layout of tabbed sub modules and slider sub modules can be changed by CSS.
The main module supports rolling.