DNN Article is not only a powerful module to enable post and manage articles, but
also provides total solutions for content management. Content such as articles,
news, announcements, product catalogs, etc can be organized into unlimited levels
of categories. New content can be moderated before published. The administrator
can assign roles as moderator. Also an email can be sent when new content is added.
Visitors can make comment and rating. They can also agree or disagree an article.
The product supports common features of DotNetNuke module such as localization,
portable interface, search, Syndication etc. It can integrate with Twitter, Facebook,
Google Map, Windows Live Writer and DotNetNuke Journal to provide more
powerful functions for your portals. DNNArticle is an extendable system.
There are several sub modules shipped with DNNArticle standard edition to provide
rich and attractive look and feel experiences. There are also several optional sub
modules that provide more features. And the number of optional sub modules is growing
continually. There are also several applications based on DNNArticle such as DNNArticle
Blog and DNNArticle Product. DNNArticle fully supports template and CSS theme. This
feature provides more flexibility for users to build more attractive user interface.
Total Solutions for content management
You can use it to build...
- News Publish System
- Announcement
- Blog
- Product Catalog
- User Guide Help System
- FAQs
- And more other systems...
Content organization
- All contents are organized by category.
- It supports sub categories. You can create sub categories as many as you want.
- An icon can be set for each category.
- The article category sub module can show categories in tree view.
- An article can be assign to more than one category.
- A category sub module can display categories in any page you want.
- You can define tags and assign an article to several tags.
- Tags can be shown in Tag Cloud sub module.
You can add ... to an article
- Attachments
- Pages
- Resources
- Images, Videos and content from other modules
- Related Articles
Permission: It integrates with DotNetNuke Module Permission.
- Who can add articles?
- Who can edit articles?
- Who can approve articles?
- Who can attach files?
- Who can view attach files?
- Who can make comment and rating?
Authorized authors who can manage their own articles and their articles can
be published automatically.
And you can set category level edit permission in category edit page.
Submission workflow
- Authorized users/roles can submit article.
- Editors and/or Authors can modify submitted articles.
- Moderators can approve articles to be published.
View permission of articles
Administrators can define view permissions of article modules, categories and
- Authors can define view permissions of their own articles.
- Article view permission will override categories view permission.
View permission check can be in article list or article view. That means you
can allow unauthorized users to view article list or not.
Custom Fields
- You can add custom fields such as Textbox, HTML, Dropdown List and Number.
- Custom Fields can be add to DNNArticle Editor template as normal fields.
- Custom Fields can be displayed as normal fields.
Email Notification
- You can set Email Notification in module level and category level
- You can define the template of subject and body of Email notification.
Email Notification can be sent when articles are posted, approved to moderators
and authors.
- Comment Email Nofitication can be sent to comment moderators.
Social and Community
Facebook Integration: Post new article or article update message to Facebook
profile or Facebook page.
- Facebook Like button integration.
- Twitter Integration.
- Open Graph Tags.
- Social bookmarks.