The ZLDNN Group module helps you create your own social web site quick and easily.
Main Features
A group has:
- Announcements: members of the group can post announcements.
- A simple Forum: members can post on a simple forum of the group.
- A photo gallery: members can upload photos into the group photo gallery.
- Member list: you can view members of the group and add friends. Owners and administrators can manage members of the group.
- Owners or administrators of the group can edit basic information of the group.
Group Members:
- The user who creates the group is the owner of that group.
- The owner can assign administrators to help manage the group.
- Owners and administrators can assign officials for the group.
- A member can invite other users to join the group.
- If the group is setup as private, almembers must first be approved.
Group management:
- DNN Administrators can define types and subtypes of groups.
- DNN Administrators can define who can create groups.
- Authorized users can create their own group.
- A group can be marked as public or private – a Group can be changed from public to private and vice versa.
- Users can join a public group and can be invited by their friends to join a private group.
- A group can have forum, announcement and photo gallery. Members can post on the forum and post announcements. Members also can upload photos.
Group Photos
- Members can upload photos to the group gallery.
- DNN Administrators can set a limit for the number of photos or gallery space.
- Photos can be stored on Amazon’s S3 service.
- Members can tag photos.
- The photos can be resized when uploading to a DNN Administrator set width.
Group Actions
- Actions such as join group, create group and leave group wilbe recorded.
- The actions in a group can be shown in ZLDNN Action.
- Action of the current user in groups can be shown in ZLDNN Action.
- Recent Active groups can be shown in the Group Recent Activity sub module.
Tokens and Template
- All modules of the Group support templating.
- You can define your custom templates in the module settings.
- The default templates are stored in the resource files so you can modify them easily.
- It supports pass time style date format.
Email Notification
- You can set Email Notification for new forum topic, new post of forum topic and new comments for photo.
- You can define the template of Email Notification.
- You can define the sender address of Email Notification.
Easy set up, Easy use
- The set up feature of the Group can help you to set up the modules easily.
- You can also set up the modules manually.
Integrate with Social Modules
- The groups module can work alone or with Smart Thinker’s SmartSociamodule.
- In the Group package, there are ZLDNN User Profile, ZLDNN Friends and ZLDNN Action. They allow you to build your own community web site.
- All modules of the Group expose user id, display name and user name with tokens. Those tokens can help you to link to user profile page of the SociaModules.